Looks like people are catching onto Farrah Gray!
The faux-millionaie had an article on him featured on theDirty.com- a website that exposes people for various things. His profile reads:
THE DIRTY ARMY: Nik, Farrah Gray of Las Vegas has a lot of people convinced he was a “self made millionaire” at 14. Today he brags about having $20 million. However a lot of people who knew his dad said he wasn’t rich when he was young. And public records available on government websites show he had TWO houses foreclose on him and that he has $100,000+ of personal debts. The only company he does own had its business license revoked because he couldn’t get the $365 fee to renew it. He drives a 10 year old Jaguar and wears cheap suits while going around Las Vegas begging anyone to let him speak at their restaurant opening or waiting room. He’s a pathetic joke and a fraud. Expose this loser.
Show me the money.- nik
See the whole thing here.
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