In his biography Farrah Gray states; "As a pre-teen, Gray reached 12 million listeners and viewers every Saturday night as co-host of “Backstage Live,” a syndicated television and radio simulcast in Las Vegas."
Alas, after an intense Google search, there's neither proof of Farrah regularly hosting a radio show, nor is there proof of the radio show he claimed to be apart of.
As further testament to his lie, his numbers are wayyyyy exaggerated. To give you an idea of hos bogus his figure is, here's the numbers of some of the most successful radio shows in the United States:
- This American Life: the #1 podcast on iTunes reaches 2.1 million viewers every week
- Howard Stern: an actual celebrity reaches about 1.2 million people
- NPR: reaches 20 million people across the county. Farrah claims his Las Vegas radio show reaches 8 million less than NPR
Also let's not forget, Las Vegas has a current population of about 600,000 and the entire state of Nevada has a population 2.8 million. Farrah Gray's radio station, based out of Las Vegas, reaches almost 5 times the entire state's population.
Clearly math and geography is not his strong suit. So much for his "ingenuous economic mind".
It's not the first time his math was way off about how many people tune into his hypothetical media. He recently claimed half the households in the United States were lined up to watch his non-existent reality tv show.
Are there no comments anywhere on this site, because its fake?