While looking for information that proved my point about Farrah Grey being a fake/fraud, I found this article with a rather helpful comment on it. The user said:
"Get real people.. there is no evidence of Farrah Gray having done anything except publish some books. His father was Dr. Khalid Muhammad, the former Nation of Islam minister who is well known for his strong black nationalist and anti white positions.
I knew his father well, I was friends with him and knew Farrah when he was 15. He was just a regular student living in Las Vegas. He changed his name made up this story and has the whole world believing it. LOL
look up his father or look him up as Farrakhan Muhammad, his real name. And where did this "Dr" come from. He has no PhD, or MD, he is not a Dr. poeple do not be so gullible, its all marketing."
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