Farrah Gray Seems Desperate for a Girlfriend

Going through "Dr." Farrah Gray's Instagram page, it seems as if the faux-millionaire is quite desperate for female attention. He posted two photos; one asking his followers to like the photo if they would consider dating him, and another asking users to tag someone they thought he would look good with.


But honestly, how does anyone believe this guy or take him seriously? What genuine CEO posts this kind of foolishness?


  1. So many questions about this guy. I met Farrah Gray during a book signing in Detroit some years back. Then I see his name popping up in Facebook and he is giving relationship advice to women which I found really strange. Then what is even stranger is his sudden "Dr" title. When did this guy become a doctor in anything? There are a lot of things about this guy that don't add up but that picture posted here is hilarious.

  2. I heard he likes being called "Farrah Gay".


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